Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thursday, January 17 - Day 4

Decimal pre-assessment assignment is due tomorrow! 
Practice Problem 77 - a few students did not have the solution completed for today.  If you were absent OR if you were not done, please hand this in on your return to school.
Centres are due on January 21. (Don't forget about the comprehension journal activities)
"My Favourite Place" -students will have one more class to work on this.  It will be due on Tuesday, January 22
Map Skills - 6A due Tuesday, January 22 ; 6B due Tuesday, Jan 23
Current Events - 6A due Jan. 22; 6B due Jan. 21-
Latitude/Longitude Booklet - 6B - pp 16 & 17 is due on Monday, January 21. 6A - pp. 16 & 17 are due on Friday, Jan. 18
Latitude and Longitude TEST - 6A - Jan. 22; 6B - Jan. 23

"Football Bowl" - the entire booklet is due on FRIDAY

Days of the week and months of the year MUST be entered on calendar project.


Today was Day 4 of Cycle 11 centres. If you were absent, please pick up the centres you missed. All centre activities are due on January 21. Also, TWO comprehension journal activities are due by January 29.

Problem Solving practice problem 77 was due today.  If you were absent, please hand this in when you return to school.  Students were given the Decimal Pre-assessment for homework.  Please have this done for tomorrow!


  1. Students had 20 minutes to work on current events. These are due on January 21.
  2. Page 13 and 14 of the latitude and longitude booklet were due. We corrected this as a class. If you were absent, PLEASE HAND YOUR BOOKLET IN. The book in its entirety will be due on Monday and students will have a latitude/longitude test on Wednesday, January 23. STUDENTS WERE ALSO GIVEN A TEST REVIEW TODAY.  WE WILL WORK ON THIS NEXT CLASS!
    Don't forget that map skills
  3. Don't forget that map skills, " A Closer Look at Australia" is due on January 23.


Today was our regular Day 5 reading buddies.  Students had 25 minutes of catch up time after reading buddies to work on health (which was due today if you were absent), math, social or centres.

Students learned how to put birthdays and anniversaries on their calendars.  IF YOU WERE ABSENT, there is a handout of the notes that were taken.  We then began our study of weather as you MUST PUT 2 WEATHER DESCRIPTORS ON EACH MONTH OF YOUR CALENDAR.  Students were given a weather booklet.  Pages 2,3 and 4 are due for Thursday, Januayr 24!