Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday, December 7 - Day 1

Students are working on their Family Heritage Interview Assignments. Due date: DECEMBER 13 
Bridge to Terabithia - Jess Aarons Character Web and chapter 1-2 "Quiz Time" questions are due on Monday

Extra Practice 4, Hand In 4 and the first 2 pages of the algebra booklet are due on Monday. 

From Sea to Shining Sea- 6B is due is December 10
High and Dry - 6A is due on December 17
Longitude Booklet 6B 
(Up to and including page 6 is due for Monday, December 10
Current Events will be due mid-January

none-students are just beginning a decision making skit assignment

Les mois booklet - first page - due Tues. Dec. 11

Students listened to Chapter 4 of "Bridge to Terabithia" and then had the remainder of the period to work on some after reading activities.  Students must be done the Jess Aarons character web and Chapter 1 and 2 questions for Monday. If you were absent you should read up to the end of Chapter 4.  You will have to borrow a classroom novel.

Students handed in the decision making case study assignment today.  Students were then given a decision making skit assignment - in groups, they must act out the decision making process using their given scenario.  There will be an entire class to work on this next day.

Map Skills - "From Sea to Shining Sea" was due today.  "High and Dry" was assigned - it is due on December 17.
The longiude booklet that was due today was corrected for the rest of the class.
A Mad minute started the class.  We corrected the textbook assignment that was due today on "Using Variables"  (text page 22 and 23).  We then broke into centres.
1.  Computers - students could play any of the games on the classroom blog (under Patterns link)
2.  Students were assigned Hand In 4 and Extra Practice 4.  This is due on Monday.
3.  Students were given a "basic algebra" booklet.  They are to be done the FIRST 2 PAGES by Monday.

This was the FINAL class to work on our Family Heritage Powerpoint projects.  Each slide should be a separate question and response.Please make a plan on how you will complete this if you are not done (noon hour, RTI, home). I am looking forward to hearing these presentations next Thursday!