Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday, October 25 - Day 1

Please be sure to check out student marks on the ConnectEd Portal found on the EHS website!

Social Homework:
International Anagrams  6A due Nov. 2 and 6B due is November 5 
6A Current events are due on Nov. 2; 6B Current events are due on Nov.1''
6B - Please complete your BRAZIL KWL chart by Friday


There will be a HITS Halloween dance for grades 6-9 on Friday, November 2. Doors open at 7:00 and close at 7:30. The dance runs from 7:00 - 10:00. There is a late list and guest list at the library.

Students began Cycle 6  centres today. All centre activites will be due on November 1. Guided reading has been replaced with art centres this week to allow for      F & P assessments.  Below is a list of week four centre activities:

Several assignments were handed back to students.  Students continued to work through their decision making self-assessment.  A good effort should be made to complete the next page of the booklet.

1. Map Skills - On the Border was due today. This was corrected as a class. Students were assigned International Anagrams. It is due next day 1, Nov. 2.
2.  We continued our look at the essential question of our new unit, "How does the natural environment influence our lives."  An excellent class discussion took place. 
Keep working on those current events.  They are due NEXT FRIDAY - Nov. 2!
Students completed a mad minute.  Keep working on your multiplication tables, Grade 6.  It will make all the other concepts we learn this year so much easier!!

Students were taught the concept of prime factorization using factor trees.  BLM 30 - Factor Trees was assigned.  This is due tomorrow.

Students were also assigned Homework Book 5 - Investigating Factors.  This is a hand in assignment that reinforces the concepts of factors, common factors, greatest common factor and prime factorization.  Students will have some time tomorrow during our short math class to complete this.  It will be due on Monday!  The following videos review these concepts.


Students had this class to type out their hero story.  There will be some more class time provided for this.  No due date has been assigned.