Father Christmas is due tomorrow
FAMILY HERITAGE - these were presented today
Bridge to Terabithia - Chapter 11-13 questions are due tomorrow
Micro - Organisms - ALL was due today
Atlantic Country Venns are due tomorrow
No homework
Our Day in a Nutshell
Period 1 - MATH 6B
1. Bell work
2. Mad minute
3. Cartesian plane
- students worked on Father Christmas grid art. This is due tomorrow.
Period 2 AND 3 - ELA
1. Students presented their family heritage projects.
2. Time was given to complete the Bridge to Terabithia Chapter 11-13 questions. These are due tomorrow
Period 4 - SOCIAL 6B
1. Reset
2. Map Skills - students corrected Sea to Shining Sea. No new map skills was assigned
3. Atlantic Country Venn - the rest of the class was given to work on this assignment. It is due tomorrow.
Period 5 - GRADE 6 BAND
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